Uncover LGBTQ+ history & celebrate a queer city
Let me walk you through nearly a 100 years of queer history in a city where sexual identity can be freely expressed & desires of all varieties fulfilled! We’ll meet in Schöneberg, a queer district famed for its alternative nightlife. This area blossomed in the 20s only to be crushed by Hitler, before blooming again in the 70s. One stop on our tour will be the former Eldorado nightclub, a popular Weimar-era haunt, another the Berlin home of author Christopher Isherwood, who immortalised the city in his book Goodbye to Berlin. Each place we visit will be brought to life with stories about the colourful, fascinating people who made the city what it is - a symbol of liberation. Finally, let’s finish up with a drink at Café Berio at Nollendorfplatz where we can chat and watch the world go by.

How is walking with you
A born and bred Berliner, I am also the publisher of BertaBerlin and QueerBerlin maps. In my guides, I share Berlin walks and favourite places. I also blog about the city at www.walk-this-way.net. My research has taken me into many hidden corners and I enjoy talking to the people I encounter. I’d love you to join me - maybe we’ll even discover something together during our experience!
We will explore...
- historical locations
- inspirational characters
- Arts and culture
- and more.
Where do we meet
We will start at Viktoria-Luise Platz (U4) in Schöneberg. In addition to the Eldorado, Isherwood’s former home, and gay bookshop Eisenherz, we’ll take in beautiful architecture, contemporary queer hubs and much more. The tour ends by the former Metropol theatre at Nollendorfplatz (U1, U2, U3, U4).
Tour dates
You will find the tour dates of Sex, Love & Adversity "behind" the button "Join the tour" ;).
And if you missed the tour or want to do your own walk through the queer scene of Berlin, you can walk along one of my three suggested walks on the travel guide QueerBerlin. For this project I teamed up with Adam, who normally is a travel blogger based in Berlin. He covers additional LGBT travel tips and stories from across the world on his blog: www.travelsofadam.com.
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