There are as many city guides and folding maps for Berlin as there are drug dealers in Görlitzer Park. Not only will you often find the same information, but as a tourist or even Berlin newbie you are overwhelmed by the quantity of options, distances in between and, in general, left wondering: How can I find out what I will like if all the reviews on Google and Yelp are similar?
Berta Luise Heide has elegantly solved all these problems with her Pocket Guides BertaBerlin: As a Berliner and "Auskennerin" she takes visitors by the hand and guides them, with her folding map, to the places she herself likes to go – hidden jewels included. Therefore, she suggests three different city walks through Berlin, which combine sightseeing, restaurants, cafes and shopping options. Perfect for anybody who is in town only briefly or recently arrived.
Escape the digital overload
In the age of Google Maps and travel apps the decision for classical folding maps was made deliberately: "I find it marvellous to be offline from time to time. I love to escape the digital information overload and online reviews, to discover a new city or my beloved district Neukölln with my senses and on my own initiative with only a folding map in my hand", says Berta.
Besides the city walks, the front of the folding map offers an overview of Neukölln with all hotspots that get the quality seal of "very good" from Berta personally. In this way, even Neukölln veterans did discover new aspects of their neighborhood. The small, mint-green city guides are available on her Blog and on Selekkt or in many hostels, cafes, restaurants and bars. The next folding map is going to be about Kreuzberg – and who knows, maybe Berta's dream of having her own hotel comes true soon and she can hand out her folding maps at the reception to curious explorers.
text by Ilona Hartmann
translation by BertaBerlin
pic by Mathias Kutt
source: mitvergnuegen.com
Write a comment
Thomas Krause (Sunday, 19 February 2017 08:05)
Hi BertaBerlin, i saw the Tip to your Blog @rbb TV yesterday!!!
A cool Blog.
Do you look @your Tour for the
evtl. Problems that disabled people possible can get ( for e.g. higher steps to shops) ?
If you need some Tips - i'm a Berlin "native" - born here in Berlin & a dwarf.
More about me: see our Webpage
In advance thank you.
Best wishes
Tina (Sunday, 19 February 2017 09:00)
Alles englisch???
Beate (Sunday, 19 February 2017 16:19)
warum ist die seite nur auf englisch??? Auch als berliner möchte man noch neues entdecken.
Berta (Sunday, 19 February 2017 16:27)
Hallo Tina, ja der Faltplan ist in Englisch. Den englischen Text versteht man aber auch gut, wenn man nur Schulenglisch beherrscht. Es ist einfach geschrieben und Informationen wie Öffnungszeiten, Adresse, nächste Station für Verkehrsmittel, Website, E-Mail/Telefonnummer für die Reservierung, Preisklasse, Kartenzahlung etc. sind verständlich und erkennbar dargestellt. Liebe Grüße, Berta