While all of our favorite TV shows have a break in the summer, Nina from Törtchen - Made in Berlin and I are watching our favorite movies. And what’s better than a movie? A movie night with friends, of course!
Last Sunday Nina and I started the series of Top 5 movies and snacks for the perfect movie night. If you miss Berlin and are located somewhere else, I have good news, all the movies I recommend were shot in Berlin and Nina will give you a delicious German snack recipe for your perfect movie night.
So here it goes:
Good Bye Lenin (2/5)
Was East Germany still alive in the 90th? It seems almost incredible watching this smart, poignant movie GOOD BYE LENIN directed from Wolfgang Becker in 2003. You get a reconstruction of Berlin in the German Democratic Republic (GDR): the spluttering Trabants and the borderguards at the Berlin Wall. The story is as simple as brilliant, to protect his fragile mother from a fatal shock after a coma, her son tries to keep his mother from learning that her beloved German Democratic Republic has disappeared. Since she has to avoid every excitement, the son tries to set up the GDR again for her in their flat.
Most scenes were shot at the Karl-Marx-Allee in Berlin and around Alexanderplatz. So let yourself take away from the ostalgie of this movie.
The best snack for the perfect movie night is of course sweet salty popcorn.

Salty Sweet Popcorn
- Pour oil in a pot, fill the pan with a layer of dried corn kernels and heat them until one pops. Then remove the pot from the heat and shake it. Now we have popcorn.
- Spread the popcorn on baking sheets on a griddle
- Chop chocolate and boil it above a bain-marie and toss the popcorn with chocolate.
- Season with salt.
- Stir the popcorn mix with a spoon, until the chocolate is equaly spread and let dry about 5 minutes.
What do you need?
50 g popcorn (corny)
50 g bittersweet chocolate
coarse salt
a little bit of oil
Top 5 recommended German movies:
- Run Lola Run from 1998 directed by Tom Tykwer
- Goodbye Lenin from 2003 by Wolfgang Becker
If you want to not only watch hidden gems of Berlin (in a movie), but see it in reality, check out my folding maps BertaBerlin and QueerBerlin. They are available in well-chosen locations all over Charlottenburg, Neukölln, Kreuzberg, Mitte and Prenzlauer Berg in Berlin and online. But for those of you, who want to stay up to date, feel free to follow me on INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK or register for my NEWSLETTER BertaNews.
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